Fascinated for as long as she can remember by Italo Calvino's collection of fairy tales, in which anything imaginable became possible, Manuela was particularly drawn to the possibility of transforming characters and things, and treasures, often hidden or given as gifts, sparked her imagination. The protagonists' magic spells and abilities, which brought back glittering gold and precious stones, led her to invent magical objects and to dream.
What could bring together these peculiarities of transformation and brilliance? The answer came to her later: jewellery making. Her jewellery was born from the same glittering material that lent itself to infinite and elaborate transformations through the skills of the goldsmith, Manuela herself.
Today, her jewellery, which can be called contemporary art given their unique design, look like small plants with roots and branches, absorbing from the depths and growing, retaining in themselves the best of each age, becoming timeless objects.
Manuela's imagination transformed fantasies into reality, and as in all the happiest fairy-tale endings, the little girl's dream came true.
Rossella Batassa
Art historian
For natural bronze, ordinary polishing will suffice. For metal treated with galvanic baths, repeat the bath. For silver or gold, clean them with a special cloth and if necessary, for more thorough cleaning, have them treated with galvanic baths of silver plating or rhodium for silver, or rhodium for white gold.
For galvanic treatments and repairs such as soldering or setting of stones, if the object was bought online or if you are far from our production and distribution centre, which is in Potenza, you may contact your local goldsmith. If, on the other hand, you are not far from us, we will take care of the necessary conservation treatment.
Bad maintenance of our products, which can happen if they are not left in expert hands, may spoil their particular shapes and hues, so we advise you to trust us to take them in for cleaning now and then, as well as galvanic baths and any necessary repairs.
You can reuse precious materials (gold and stones), from pieces that no longer meet your desires. Depending on the colour of your gold, we can turn it into the hue and design of your choice.
Via Rifreddo 114
85100 Potenza